
Most Common Asbestos Issues Flagged by Vancouver Home Inspectors

October 30th, 2023
Most Common Asbestos Issues Flagged by Vancouver Home Inspectors

As a homeowner or prospective buyer, there is nothing more chilling than hearing the word 'asbestos' brought up during an inspection. The cost of removing this hazardous material is expensive, and it can lead to serious potential health risks. 

Therefore, it should be no surprise that asbestos issues rank high amongst Vancouver home inspectors' most commonly identified problems. The areas and issues that are often flagged by inspectors include the following.

Asbestos in Insulation Materials

The challenge with asbestos is that it exists in many parts of a house. Its presence is particularly common in insulation materials – from piping to attic insulation – thanks to its heat-resistant properties. The once revered 'magic mineral' served admirably to stave off fires yet became a ticking time bomb decades later as health hazards came to light.

Hidden Asbestos in Wall Plaster

Perhaps even more daunting is the presence of asbestos seemingly hidden in plain sight. Soft-textured ceilings and plaster walls often host asbestos, unknowingly disguising this dangerous mineral until it's too late. Many home inspectors have noted instances where owners embarked on home renovation projects only to stir up dormant asbestos fibers.

Old Flooring Tiles Containing Asbestos

In older buildings especially, flooring tiles can be guilty of carrying concealed asbestos. Predominantly found in 9-inch square tiles typical of designs used from the 50s to the 80s, this former revelation now creates a danger that lurks beneath our very feet.

While asbestos flagging can appear serious, removal is not difficult. If you’re confronted with this issue during your home inspection, it’s vital to contact a reputable company like Vancouver Asbestos Removal™. Our experienced professionals have the equipment and knowledge to deal with all aspects of asbestos testing, removal, and disposal in Vancouver and its surrounding areas.

Vancouver Asbestos Removal™ is a hazardous materials removal company servicing both residential homes and commercial spaces.

Our areas of expertise include but are not limited to, asbestos abatement mold remediation, dry ice blasting, building demolition, general demolition, insulation extraction, and decontamination services.