
What’s Involved With Testing for Asbestos in Your Vancouver Home

August 29th, 2023
What’s Involved With Testing for Asbestos in Your Vancouver Home

Imagine having a threat lurking in your home, so silent that you may not even know it's there. Well, it's not some scary movie plot, it’s asbestos. And without the right gear or testing procedures in place, this threat could pose a real risk for you and your loved ones.

Now, when you're dealing with something as serious as this, you want to be sure everything is checked. And by everything, we mean every nook and cranny, from the basement to the attic. This is exactly what the Vancouver Asbestos Removal™ team does - we ensure not a single spot goes unchecked.

Testing For Asbestos

The challenging part of asbestos testing is that it is not limited to a single kind of fiber. It's a term for six different minerals that all pose unique potential risks to health - namely Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite. Amosite and Crocidolite have quite a reputation for being the most dangerous of the group. That's why you need a team who knows their stuff, a team like ours who can identify and safely handle these types of asbestos.

Testing for asbestos is a serious undertaking that requires expertise, experience, and precision.

First things first, our team does a thorough inspection of your property. As asbestos was widely used in a slew of building materials - tiles, sidings, insulation, you name it - we inspect everything, keeping our eyes open for any likely candidates.

Once we've identified potential asbestos-containing areas, we carefully take small samples without damaging your property. Since we don't cut any corners, this task is performed under controlled conditions to prevent asbestos fibers from becoming airborne.

These samples are sent to a certified laboratory to undergo a rigorous, detailed analysis. The lab analysis can confirm the presence, type, and concentration of asbestos in these materials.

If the results are positive, don't panic - remember, you've got us on your team. We provide you with a clear, detailed report about the type of asbestos found, where it's located, and the risk level.

Based on these findings, we dive into action with an effective and safe action plan for asbestos management and removal. So, if you think there may be asbestos in your home, call us, and we will take care of it!

Vancouver Asbestos Removal™ is a hazardous materials removal company servicing both residential homes and commercial spaces.

Our areas of expertise include but are not limited to, asbestos abatement mold remediation, dry ice blasting, building demolition, general demolition, insulation extraction, and decontamination services.